This tool allows you to upload a list of species, and work with that list within the Atlas.
Click "Upload a list" to upload your own list of taxa.

Below is a listing of user provided species lists. You can use these lists to work with parts of the Atlas.

241 results for all records
List name List type Owner Date submitted Date updated Item Count
OSPAR Conservation list Sophia Ratcliffe 2017-01-17 2022-01-07 34
Breeding Bird Post 2001 Conservation Status - Endangered Conservation list Katie Oliver 2020-02-06 2020-10-02 34
Isle of Man Wildlife Act 1990 Schedule 5 species Conservation list David Martin 2017-11-26 2017-11-26 34
Farmland bird speces Conservation list Alistair McVittie 2018-12-03 2018-12-03 32
Convention on Migratory Species - EUROBATS Annex 1 Conservation list Sophia Ratcliffe 2020-10-20 2022-01-07 32
Red List GB post 2001 - Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) based on IUCN guidelines Conservation list Sophia Ratcliffe 2019-10-18 2023-09-04 32
Oceanic Ravine Indicator Species Conservation list David Genney 2017-03-31 2017-03-31 31
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Schedule 5 Section 9.4A Conservation list Ella Vogel 2017-01-27 2020-09-23 30
Notable lichen species associated with Atlantic Hazel Conservation list David Genney 2017-05-10 2017-05-10 30
OSPAR Annex 5 Marine Conservation list Ben Deed 2020-09-03 2020-09-03 29
SPEN Desk Study Conservation list Lacey Urquhart 2019-02-05 2019-02-05 29
A review of the Non-Marine Mollusca of Great Britain Conservation list Rachel Stroud 2017-01-17 2017-01-18 29
RedList_GB_post94-Vulnerable Conservation list Ella Vogel 2017-01-27 2020-10-02 29
Breeding Bird Post 2001 Conservation Status - Near Threatened Conservation list Katie Oliver 2020-02-06 2020-10-02 28
Birds Directive Annex 3 Conservation list Sophia Ratcliffe 2018-09-13 2018-09-13 27
A review of the beetles of Great Britain- The Soldier Beetles and their allies Conservation list Rachel Stroud 2017-01-17 2017-01-17 27
Bryophyte SSSI guidelines - Dunes, Slacks, Machair and Saltmarsh assemblage Conservation list David Genney 2019-07-23 2019-07-23 27
S42 Fungi species Conservation list Marygrace Rowe 2022-01-18 2022-01-18 27
RedList Global post2001 - Data Deficient Conservation list Rachel Stroud 2017-01-27 2021-02-28 26
RedList Global post2001 - Vulnerable Conservation list Rachel Stroud 2017-01-27 2021-02-28 25
Scottish Wildlife Trust Priority Species List Conservation list Gill Dowse 2018-06-19 2018-06-19 24
London BAP Conservation list Martin Richardson 2018-08-06 2018-08-06 23
A review of the Hemiptera of Great Britain -The Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Bugs Conservation list Rachel Stroud 2017-01-17 2017-01-17 23
Birds Directive - Annex 2.1 Conservation list Rachel Stroud 2017-01-17 2020-09-25 22
RedList Global post2001 -Near Threatened Conservation list Rachel Stroud 2017-01-27 2021-02-28 22