This tool allows you to upload a list of species, and work with that list within the Atlas.
Click "Upload a list" to upload your own list of taxa.

Below is a listing of user provided species lists. You can use these lists to work with parts of the Atlas.

241 results for all records
List name List type Owner Date submitted Date updated Item Count
Target_species_list_BBA_bat3 Conservation list Robert Hawkes 2020-06-16 2020-06-16 150
Target_species_list_BBA_bat2 Conservation list Robert Hawkes 2020-06-16 2020-06-16 150
Target_species_list_BBA_bat1 Conservation list Robert Hawkes 2020-06-16 2020-06-16 150
Target_species_list_BBA Conservation list Robert Hawkes 2020-06-16 2020-06-16 629
Scottish Species Prioritisation - Fungi (not lichens) Conservation list David Genney 2019-09-11 2020-03-24 427
Conservation status of birds during breeding and non-breeding stages Conservation list Katie Oliver 2020-02-07 2020-02-07 357
Isle of Man Wildlife Act 1990 Schedule 7 species Conservation list David Martin 2017-11-26 2019-10-15 102
Aquatic macrophytes of conservation concern Conservation list David Genney 2017-04-13 2019-08-08 12
Atlantic lichen indicators Conservation list Joe Bullard 2019-07-26 2019-07-26 118
BRM bryophyte species list Conservation list Joe Bullard 2019-07-26 2019-07-26 16
Bryophyte SSSI guidelines - Dunes, Slacks, Machair and Saltmarsh assemblage Conservation list David Genney 2019-07-23 2019-07-23 27
Bryophyte SSSI guidelines - Atlantic Woodland Conservation list David Genney 2019-06-17 2019-06-17 48
s41 Priority species list Conservation list Andrew Stringer 2019-05-08 2019-05-08 860
Nationally Rare and Scarce lichens associated with riparian habitats Conservation list David Genney 2017-04-12 2019-04-22 54
Northern Ireland Priority Species Conservation list Sophia Ratcliffe 2019-01-21 2019-03-15 480
SPEN Desk Study Conservation list Lacey Urquhart 2019-02-05 2019-02-05 29
Farmland bird speces Conservation list Alistair McVittie 2018-12-03 2018-12-03 32
Fetteresso2 Conservation list Peter Cleghorn 2018-10-26 2018-10-26 2066
Birds Directive Annex 3 Conservation list Sophia Ratcliffe 2018-09-13 2018-09-13 27
London BAP Conservation list Martin Richardson 2018-08-06 2018-08-06 23
Shropshire Protected Species Conservation list Dan Wrench 2018-07-25 2018-07-25 39
Scottish Wildlife Trust Priority Species List Conservation list Gill Dowse 2018-06-19 2018-06-19 24
Isle of Man Wildlife Act Schedule 8 Conservation list Sophia Ratcliffe 2018-02-13 2018-06-08 46
Lichen habitat index - Metalliferous Habitats Index (MHI) Conservation list David Genney 2018-03-26 2018-03-26 49
Lichen habitat index - Limestone Index Conservation list David Genney 2018-03-26 2018-03-26 111