This tool allows you to upload a list of species, and work with that list within the Atlas.
Click "Upload a list" to upload your own list of taxa.

Below is a listing of user provided species lists. You can use these lists to work with parts of the Atlas.

71 results for all records
List name List type Owner Date submitted Date updated Item Count
Non-Breeding Bird Post 2001 Conservation Status - Least Concern Conservation list Katie Oliver 2020-02-06 2020-10-02 45
Non-Breeding Bird Post 2001 Conservation Status - Near Threatened Conservation list Katie Oliver 2020-02-06 2020-10-02 7
Non-Breeding Bird Post 2001 Conservation Status - Vulnerable Conservation list Katie Oliver 2020-02-06 2020-10-02 20
EU Invasive Alien Species Regulation Conservation list Holly York 2017-08-09 2020-08-20 66
Isle of Man Wildlife Act 1990 Schedule 5 species Conservation list David Martin 2017-11-26 2017-11-26 34
Isle of Man Wildlife Act 1990 Schedule 7 species Conservation list David Martin 2017-11-26 2019-10-15 102
Isle of Man Wildlife Act 1990 Schedule 1 Conservation list Sophia Ratcliffe 2018-02-13 2018-02-13 74
Isle of Man Wildlife Act 1990 Schedule 6 Conservation list Sophia Ratcliffe 2018-02-13 2018-02-13 8
Nationally Rare species Conservation list Rhiannydd Stock 2022-09-16 2023-12-13 2358
Isle of Man Wildlife Act Schedule 8 Conservation list Sophia Ratcliffe 2018-02-13 2018-06-08 46
Nationally Scarce species Conservation list Rhiannydd Stock 2022-09-16 2023-12-13 2010
Contingency plan species for Wales Conservation list Sophia Ratcliffe 2018-05-29 2022-07-08 58
Natural England - Sensitive Species England Sensitive list of species Rhiannydd Stock 2019-07-23 2023-12-14 218
Manx Biological Recording Partnership Sensitive Species Isle of Man Sensitive list of species Katie Oliver 2019-07-23 2019-10-03 67
Natural Resources Wales -sensitive species list Wales Sensitive list of species Katie Oliver 2019-07-26 2024-05-29 127
Northern Ireland Environment Agency - Sensitive species Northern Ireland Sensitive list of species Katie Oliver 2019-07-26 2019-09-25 101
Scottish Natural Heritage - sensitive species Scotland Sensitive list of species Katie Oliver 2019-07-26 2019-09-25 102
Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland Species characters list Sophia Ratcliffe 2019-02-15 2019-07-26 415
Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species - Great Britain Species characters list Sophia Ratcliffe 2022-02-15 2022-02-15 2848
RSPB Priority Species Test list Will George 2016-04-21 2016-04-21 413
Convention on Migratory Species, African-Eurasian Waterbirds Agreement - Annex II Test list Rachel Stroud 2017-01-17 2017-01-17 152